Amazwi Council

The Amazwi Council is appointed for a three year term by the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture.
The Council of Amazwi is the Accounting Authority. The functions of a Council, as described in
the Cultural Institutions Act, are:
  • to formulate policy;
  • to hold, preserve and safeguard all movable and immovable property of whatever kind placed in the care of or loaned or belonging to the declared institution concerned;
  • to receive, hold, preserve and safeguard all specimens, collections or other movable property placed under its care and management under section 10(1);
  • to raise funds for the institution;
  • to manage and control the moneys received by the declared institution and to utilise those moneys for defraying expenses in connection with the performance of its functions;
  • to keep a proper record of the property of the declared institution, to submit to the Director-General any returns required by him or her in regard thereto and to cause proper books of account to be kept;
  • to determine, subject to this Act and with the approval of the Minister, the objects of the declared institution; and
  • to generally, carry out the objects of the declared institution.

The Council fosters a culture and set of values and operates within a Charter that determine the manner in which it governs the museum, i.e., the systems and structures that it uses to define policy, to provide leadership, to manage, coordinate and monitor procedures and resources, and to develop long-term strategy and direction for the organisation.

The Council is executing its functions with a Marketing, Communication, Stakeholder Relations and Heritage Committee, a Human Resources and Governance Committee and a Finance, Information Technology and Infrastructure Committee.
The Audit Committee is an independent committee responsible for oversight of reporting processes and systems of internal control. It also assists the Council of Amazwi to review risk management processes and the effectiveness of risk management activities